Sunday, March 12, 2006


(I decided to write in English since my typing is really clumsy now, and Chinese input is too slow)

Now I truly believe every baby is different. Derrick has only been a week old, but we already experienced so much different things than Caroline was a newborn.

From the beginning, Derrick is a so much better sucker than Caroline (although not as good as a pump :P). Also, we have a new ped now and she suggested supplementing formula from the beginning. Since I didn't really succeed in breastfeeding Caroline, I listened to her this time. Probably as a result of this, Derrick eats beeter, sleeps better. At night, he sleeps more than 3 hours a strech already, even 4 hours one night, which makes our lives easier too since we can get some rest. On the other hand, he is a better sleeper because he sleeps through all kinds of noise and doesn't make much of those newborn sleeping noise.

Some other small things that Derrick is different from his sister. His cord fell off yesterday (only 7 days old). His tear duct is also clogged and got infected, which is at a much younger age than Caroline :(. He got diaper rash too :( but he didn't get jaundice. All in all, everything can be so different.

Derrick seems to be adavanced in development already. On the second day he was born, he started to make fake smile. I know some people say it's gas, I would rather believe it's baby practicing smile subconsiously. Now he gave very big smile when he first falls into sleep. Yesterday, I caught him putting hand in his mouth.

One thing surprised me is that Derrick's HC is only 12 3/4 inches while Caroline's is 14 inches. I always thought Derrick will be a big head baby. It seems not as big as his big head sister :)

As of me, I think I am a much more calm, confident parent this time around. I try to eat better, rest better and don't worry too much. Also, my delivery was shorter (at least for the dialating and contraction part), tear was smaller, recovery is much faster. I try to go with the flow this time, e.g. the cramps are really bad when I pump, I just pop a mortrin in mouth since it's OKed by doctor anyway. Really no need to fight against it :) Pump is a wonderful thing, I can pump 1.5 oz a time now, although a small number but already better than last time and quality is better too, so I feel proud of myself too :P


Starsea said...

congratulations one more time!

Aimee Yang said...

derrick and u r both doing so well. comgratulations.

Amy and Darrell said...

happy for you~~~~~~~~~