Monday, October 09, 2006


兰兰又生病了, 上呼吸道感染之外, virus搞的全身又长了好多小红点, 又把二宝带病了.

儿医说,是不是冬天给她幼儿园停一停. 她们现在一个班二十个小朋友, 真是没有消停的时候, sigh, seriously 考虑中

Last night, Caroline woke up twice, and Derrick work up countless times :( Derrick's little nose has become so yellow, looks so pitiful. I was thinking of switching her to a preschool close by, but as luck has it, today is Columbus Day so the school is closed. I have to wait till tomorrow to find out whether they have opening or not.

Not sure if her English will be good enough if she just attends a school just for half a day each day. But that will a new xdx for next year I guess...


Starsea said...

comfort 1 down. Sigh, it's so sad to see little ones suffering.

Anonymous said...

comfort comfort
this, shall pass, too.