Caroline fought a little bit in the morning, but I think she is happy there. She would wave me bye-bye starting from the 2nd day and the third day is not hard in the morning either. Now my only wish is for her to keep healthy for a bit longer time. Not so easy in the harsh daycare environment, since I found the teacher was sick this morning. However, staying home really bored her, a little social and action are very good for her.
Also started her in the My Gym class, she seemed to enjoy it a lot, also a birthday party in Gymboree. I found her to have grown up a lot, she talks with more sense, she understands stories better, and she cooperates better if you rub her in the right way :) Hopefully the not-so-terrible terrible two is gone for good.
Derrick is surprise who is always happening, he could pull himself up from sitting to stantding holding on something from 7 month on (or even younger), and I just read in the magazine that this is a milestone typically reached by 9 month. He can even stand for a few seconds on his own legs now. He crawls so fast, it's really a hard task to keep up with him. He enjoys solids a lot now, not that much interest in milk :(. But every time we dine out, he shows interest (sometimes eats) a lot of food...
Last weekend, when we were in Costco, Derrick and Caroline was sharing the shopping cart for the first time :)