二宝比较好总结, 又长胖了些, 吃和睡都创下了新纪录. 睡觉达到了八个半小时, 吃饭一口气吃了快8oz.
兰 兰对幼儿园也适应多了, 早晨基本上不哭. 可是半夜有时候会哭醒, 狂嚎很久. 查了babycenter, 说这大约是孩子对stress的一种反应, 想想她也怪可怜的, 身受daycare & new sibling双重考验. 不过半夜听她哭而且怎么也安慰不好的时候还是很难受的.
从她幼儿园老师的评语来看, 她表现很不错了:
Caroline is enjoying her class more and more each day. Today she and Iyana danced as parteners. She is smiling, laughing and playing with a lot more children in the class. She loves cooking in our play kitchen and sitting with her friends to have playtime tea party.
不知道什么时候她的潜意识才能喜欢上去幼儿园. 周六去一个阿姨家吃了饭 (照例不肯在别人家上厕所, //头疼), 周日去了River Rd那个公园. 有些小动物看, 还在playground玩了半天.
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