Friday, September 19, 2008


1) last night, went to lanlan's back to school night. After meeting, a mom
talked to me, saying her daughter took the same bus as lanlan. but she
sometimes cries, and sometimes OK when she saw caroline and lanlan comforted
her :)

2) 2bao has been behaving quite well recently. yesterday, ate everything at
breakfast, ate everything at lunch, napped for about 2 hrs. this morning, I
saw the new girl in her class again, she rolled on floor cried and screamed
for daddy. derrick looked at her calmly, and waved byebye to me calmly too :)

I feel very proud of these two.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Caroline started K on Sep 5, 2008!

She had trouble keeping up with her lunch money sometimes, and it seems it takes long time for kids to wait in line and get their lunch. So I decided to pack lunch for her whenever possible.

Yesterday's lunch:
亲妈 - 朴素版

Contents are: peanut better +banana slice sandwich, string cheese +crackers;蔬菜水果+开心果仁+M&M;巧克力牛奶. She ate OK, left half sandwich which is a little disappointing to me.

Today she got fried rice (grandma will make in the morning), grapes, cashews and gummy candy as treats, and milk. Hope she'll eat more than yesterday!